jeudi 12 mai 2016

To be in...

To be in love like no one cares, 
With a hand in mine and a song in my head. 
To be in love. 
I like company and I'd like to share mine. 

We pretend it is as good to be alone as it is to be two. 
Not to me. 

I savor being one, who I was meant to be,  
Being quiet or loud.

But to be in love. 
Hearing a voice respond to mine. 
To share moments of beauty and others of pain. 
To be known, fully known and loved still, 
Loved because. 

Feeling the warmth of one's presence,
Fit together like two jigsaw pieces, 
Knowing his voice, its tone and what it transpires, 
Learning his worries, his joys, his questions and

To hold his hands, carry his burdens, 
Let him carry mine, 
Learn to tell him I need a hand, 
To notice his smiles, his looks, 
Count the hair on his head. 

Carry on through the struggles, 
Fight a little, 
Without the sun setting on our anger, 
Because love florishes, it grows, 
It births, It bears fruit. 
It leaves legacies and carries generations to come. 

To be in love and raise children.
That look like him, or me, or neither.
Children that will be given our family, 
To shape and to hold, 
To be loved by and to hold onto. 

To be in love.

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