jeudi 14 avril 2016

Live to the point of tears.

To the point of tears, live. Walk a little further, 
Stop a little closer, explore the caves you nearly ignored.
There are cliffs to wander about, mountains, hillsides, 
Birds to listen to, animals to watch and tears to cry. 
They sing in other languages and melodies, in places you've never been.
There are trees to sit under, their shadow hovering over you like a light blanket,
There are mysteries you know nothing about, awaiting to be sought after in the nest of your heart.

You were not destined to a static life. 
You were not designed for sitting around and waiting on the world to change.
Dangers need facing, hopes long to be fostered. 
There is beauty to witness and behold, if only you look up and marvel.
With hills come the valleys, for every river you will find a desert, 
Each corner will provide a curve, a dip and a high, colour and grey, light and darkness.
One thing brings the other. 
If you can't have it whole, you shan't have it in part. 
Embrace the world completely or reject its blessing and curse.

To the point of tears, live.
May they be birthed through joy and sorrow, abundance and absence, company and loneliness.
May you know life and the world so well, so deep and high, 
That each step will get you closer to home.

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