jeudi 21 avril 2016


I am a wanderer. I have been going in circles, 
Thinking I was walking a different path
Trotting along, whistling, hoping for new scenery, 
Just around the corner. 
But the scenery is the same.
Over and over again, the scenery doesn't change. 

The same tree, the old dry footpath, the piles of leaves to the side
The grass that neither seems to grow nor die.
The flowers ready to bloom but forever stuck in between. 

I am a flower, not a bud,not blossoming.
There are leaves around me, keeping petals in place
Open, just enough, so I can't retreat in my green shell, 
Sufficiantly closed so I can't spread out and sprout. 

I've grown too much for this pod.
It's keeping me in.
But maybe, just maybe, I am not big enough still.
Big enough for this world out there, 
For the wind that blows, the sun that burns, 
The rain that drowns, the cold that bites.

Not big enough, too big, grown, in the making
Ready, under prepared, humble, proud, 
I'm everything and it's opposite.
I'm strong and weak. 

I'm a hopeful flower stuck in its bud, 
Will the time to prosper ever come to me?
Will my tiny green shell ever set me free?

I am a flower, stuck in between, 
Looking for space to grow
I am a wanderer, going in circles, 
Looking for a newfound land.
I am a dreamer, bound by reality, 
Looking for a promise.

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