mercredi 29 avril 2015


The word that makes some shiver, other wonder.

Three syllables, the beat of growing thunder.

Some mutter, whisper, utter it truly means man-hater,

How could it be when the flag is in the hands of my Father?

If shouting and chanting "Equality!" is a sin,

Then, at conce find them guilty and count me in.

My difference doesn't lead to my deference,

My gender doesn't imply mindless obedience.

I am woman. I breathe, I hope, I plan and I feel,

I cry, I laugh, I fear, I have claws of steel.

The weight of the world causes my heart to strain

I sometimes try to deny it but it's all in vain.

They say that from a rib I came, second.

They say that I was meant only to be fecund.

I'm the helper, the one they forget and who forgives.

I have no room in their minds, no place to breathe.

I have things to say but will they let me speak?

They count my tears as a sign my heart is weak.

I am no man. I am the rib. Different but equal.

Shoulder to shoulder, we are soldiers in the same battle.

I wish for nothing but being allowed to exist,

A world where there's no need to fight and resist.

I wish for us to hold dear each other's existence,

To know our diversity comes from the same essence.

I am woman, not enemy. Lead by justice not fury.

I long for equality, that's why my eyes are teary,

I will never yearn to break, crush, reign or fight.

I simply ask for the freedom to burn bright.

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