mardi 21 avril 2015

Spring breeze

Days are getting longer and nights warmer.

Spring is on its way, it’s nearly summer some would say.

In the season change hope buds are popping all over the trees of my heart.

They feel the sun’s warmth and think everything is shifting.

But clouds still come again, rain punctuates each day

And a chilly breeze hovers over my head.

The buds are growing stronger but I fear the Gardner’s scissors

That prune without warning.

It’s not that the Gardener is cruel, it’s just that I don’t like pruning all that much.

The birds are singing but does it mean sumemr has come?

The sea is still but is the wind really gone?

Winter has been long and hard. Slowly I am warming up.

The numbness is leaving me. I feel beautiful things.

I feel them deep and truly and I fear,

How I fear they’re only here to pass.

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