jeudi 26 mai 2016

Make it leave.

When Tomorrow is yesterday,
You might understand the hows
And whys of things of the past.
You could be tricked into guilt,
You might start to reflect.
Don’t look at the past with
The eyes of tomorrow,
For you didn’t know then what
You now know.
Regret will eat your dreams
And kill your bliss.

Feed it a bit
And it shall eat you whole.

Starve it out.
Make it go back to the

Make it leave with its suitcases
Full of envy, judgement,

You weren’t made for Regret.
You were shaped for Hope.
You were created for Joy.
You are meant to try
And fail,
But always attempt your hardest
Aim for the best,
Fly the highest
You can.

And give Regret no hold
On You.
It is the Worry of yesterday
Looking down on Tomorrow
Trying to steal your flowers
And dry out the grass.
Make it leave
For it only brings sorrow.

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