lundi 16 mai 2016

Short lived

I once thought disappointments could keep me put. 
I believed goodbyes, unanswered dreams and prayers
Had the power to burn my wings and scar my heart. 
But my wings grew back, with feathers made of silk, 
Softened through the years and the disappointment still. 
And my heart was scared, a little bruised and thrown around
But it healed over and held on tight. 
I tried to be cynical and believed I became old. 
I once thought I could be somebody else, who would know
No excitment too high, no sorrow too deep.
Who's heart would be safe and never skip a beat.
But being someone else is only short lived,
I realised my heart was meant for leaping, skipping and 
My wings were made for flying, soaring and 
The good couldn't be without risking the bad, 
I couldn't be happy if not willing to be sad. 
I am a dreamer, I paint thrills, adventures and tomorrows, 
I am a lover. I carry my heart in my pocket. 
I want it to meet hearts to make it bigger. 
I want to cherish life and people
And maybe even, 
A man, 
If life would grace me so.

To live and to love, 
To lose and to gain,
To hope and to mourn, 
To have and to hold. 

I tried to be cynical and believed I became old
Until I was bored.

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