lundi 16 mai 2016

The face I love.

The face I love 
Has tiny, young crow feet at the corner of its eyes, 
From laughing and smiling, crying and feeling. 
Its skin is marked by the years it's been living, 
Its journey is written on it, 
Like a loud and vibrant testimony to being alive. 

The face I love is alive, 
Fully, unapologetically alive. 
It's been sunburnt before
For playing a little too long on the beach.
You can see the bed that tears have molded on its cheeks.
It has loved much, 
It has given much.
It has felt much. 

The face I love is a canvas for its heart.
Where kindness, grace, generosity are
Painted in bright colours and bold patterns.
Where humour and hearty laughter find 
Their way into the picture. 

The face I love
Has tried,
And failed 
And tried again.
It pushed its limits.
It has suffered, waited and longed for better days.
It has a past, with strings and burdens attached,
A present where release and healing are blooming, 
A future. A blue-skyed future. 
One built on the bricks of perseverance and goodness.

The face I love
Makes mistakes.
The face I love
Is not a mistake.

The face I love, 

The face I love, 

The face I love.

I love this Face.
For its soul and despite its failures.
For the way it stares in the distance, forgetting reality.
For the love that dawns on it when it looks at me. 

The face I love
Is real.
Is unique.
Is beautiful.
Is in front of me.

The face I love
I seek it when I hurt
I find it when I wander
I am bound to it.

The face I love.

You are the face I love.
I made you a promise
I made a vow.
You will stay the face I love.

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